Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2013

Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes neues Jahr!

Wie ihr sicher schon erahnen werdet, wird es 2013 keine neue Geschichte mehr von mir geben. Der Altag und der Weihnachtsstress haben es einfach nicht zugelassen das ich die innere Ruhe oder die Zeit dazu gefunden hätte etwas nieder zu schreiben.
Ich hätte sogar eine kleine Idee (Ideenfetzen) für eine Winterliche/Weihnachts-FF zu GaLe und Allgemein Fairy Tail im Kopf, nur ob ich die je niederschreibe steht in den Sternen. Zu diesen Weihnachten passiert es auf alle Fälle nicht mehr *drop* Na ja, der Winter dauert ja noch etwas. ^-^ Vielleicht kann ich mich ja dazu aufraffen.

Nichtsdestotrotz ist mein Kopf weiterhin mit alten und auch neuen Ideen. Ich hoffe sehr das ich bald dazu komme irgendwo weite rzu schreiben oder etwas neues anzufangen. Die Freizeit wird mir leider immer wieder viel zu knapp, aber es kommt sicher etwas, seid unbesorgt.

Bis dahin, wünsche ich euch allen frohe und besinnliche Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

Ich freue mich jedenfalls schon im neuen Jahr auf euch und was ich euch dort so alles schreiben kann. Seid gespannt und bleibt dran. Vielen Dank für eure Treue, auch wenn ich etwas länger brauche. ^-^

Lg, und mit den besten Wünschen,
eure Rave

Sonntag, 1. Dezember 2013

The pain of true love (englisch)

Dies ist die englische Version meiner OS Das Leid der wahren Liebe
die meisten von euch dürften sie also schon kennen. ^-^

An dieser Stelle ein großer Dank an luxury, die mir die FF vom deutschen ins englische übersetzt hat. Vielen Dank! ^-^


The pain of true love
Jet; Gajeel x Levy


I thought of this FF when I wrote the OS “Seven lost years?”. But it got too long to add it as a bonus chapter, so I decided to make an OS out of it. Also because a character that is normally just a side character stands in the spotlight.
So the main character of this FF is Jet.
The pairing Gajeel x Levy is mostly just passive mentioned but Gajeel makes an appearance at the end of the story.
Written from 01.03.2012 – 06.03.2012

The OS plays after the timeskip. You have to know the happenings until chapter 253-261 or even more to understand this OS.

At the end of the OS you will find a little bonus chapter, that you can, but don’t have to read. It’s a little special about Gajeel and Lily, which I thought off while writing the OS itself.

Enjoy! ^_^

The pain of true love

Sunrays fall through sheer curtains onto the big bed in which someone starts to stir. The chirping of the birds outside on the tree sounds softly but cheerfully into the room.
Jet is the first to open his eyes and blinks at the mild light of the winter sun, which shines at his face. Too tired to get out of the bed already he turns to the other side and wraps his arms around the woman beside him. The dark, blue hair of his girlfriend gleams softly in the mild light. He can’t help touching it and in the process stroking her cheek gently.
She stretches in the bed and turns to face him. “Good morning…” she whispers as she snuggles closer to his chest. Her drowsy look, her soft hair, her aura and her smile, he likes everything on her. Actually that moment can’t be finer for Jet. If she just would be the right woman which lies next to him.
They are a couple for nearly a year now but everything on her reminds him of “her”. Of “her”, the one. The one he always loved, since the moment he met her.
May it be her free spirit, her always good mood and the boon to inflict others with it. Her shiny eyes, her sometimes tousled hair which is still so soft between his fingers, and her smile. She has the same smile …the same smile as Levy. But she isn’t her…
With a quiet sigh Jet decides to stand up after all. He strokes Jana a strand out of the face, before he sits up and stares out of the window. His gaze is dull and empty. Today is the fourth anniversary of Levys disappearance.
Later that year as Tenrou Jima was destroyed by Acnologia the mages who were on the island were declared dead. For many weeks the waters around the location of the island were searched but without any success. Without finding even one survivor. Without even one corpse…
Even today Jet can’t believe that she is dead. Everyone says it, everyone knows it. There is no help for it. Everything that Acnologia ever attacked was wiped from the surface of earth. So was his Levy.
His childhood friend, his teammate, his one and only love.
Before he leaves the room of his girlfriend he thoughtfully looks at her. She sleeps on calmly and carefree. But on Jets forehead are worry lines. He needed a lot of time to get over Levys death, to be open for something new. But now when he finally could be happy he realizes how much he tried to see Levy in Jana. He knows that he has to let Levy go to be able to truly love Jana. But his core tenses at the thought.